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GRID Autosport - Drag Pack Download For Windows 10


Updated: Mar 11, 2020

About This Content Test your reactions and put pedal to metal in a brand new game mode by downloading the Drag Pack! Receive three blisteringly fast custom drag cars, a new Single Player Drag Championship and three drag strips set at GRID Autosport locations. 6d5b4406ea Title: GRID Autosport - Drag PackDeveloper:Codemasters Racing, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)Publisher:Codemasters, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)Release Date: 14 Oct, 2014 GRID Autosport - Drag Pack Download For Windows 10 grid autosport ps3 drag pack. grid autosport drag pack cars. grid autosport drag pack скачать. grid autosport drag pack free download. grid autosport drag pack download. grid autosport drag pack would be great if the side by side racing worked , when you line up in mp you are both on the same side of the track and the staging lights are not linked , even though you have results that seem to say you have competed., No burnouts WTFstaging lights not linked WTF , could have been great but sadly I dont think the guys who wrote the code have ever been near a drag the game for its intent , it just lacks a cohesive execution.. Fun! So you don't manually do a burnout, big deal. The manual staging provides variance for your start timing, so that makes setup interesting. I don't understand all the hate for this DLC, it's fun if you like drag racing.. I like anything to do with drag racing and I have rated this positive because of the fact codemasters have managed to capture fun aspect of drag racing, I enjoy the mode it did take a little practice to get one of the drag car down the strip with a good time.Negative side is you cant do burnouts to heat the tyers maybe in the future they will add it if they do that would be the icing on the cake.. i bought the drag pack and thr thang to go with it to play but like it didnt install so i cant drag i have to play all that raceing what do i do. This DLC is an awesome add on and it would honestly be close to perfect accept for one huge omission. NO BURN OUT BOX! Burn outs are a simple cut scene before staging. It really leaves me speechless. They got the staging part right but then said the hell with burn outs?? That makes no sense. Even drag racing games from 10 years ago had burn outs that would affect the cars grip off the line. If there's no burn outs fine, don't rub it in my face with a cut scene of MY car in the burn out box with out me. Drag racing involves a burn out box, staging the car, launching it and rowing the gears. It's missing one of the most fun aspects of the drag racing experience.. If you don't care about achievements then I don't recommend you to buy this pack. If you want some plus achievements then buy this buggy\/glitchy POS. I've played through all the 9 Drag Championships for the 1st place and I got the 3 achis, it was boring and pain in the butt. I would give this a "meh", but there are only positive and negative buttons.. No burnout, clutch key cannot be set, engine doesn't go dead when rev goes 0, engine keeps running when rev stays 0, car just keeps slowing down when engine rev goes below 800RPM, WTF IS THIS DLC?!! Every car is now a Tesla!!. Can pop wheel stands 10\/10. setting the clutch control is glitched


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